Swaddles Collection
Swaddles Collection

100% Cotton Muslin Baby Swaddle Wraps


How Do Babies Wear a Swaddle Wrap? +-

Place the swaddle blanket flatly on the surface, tucking in one of the corners. Put the baby on the back with the shoulders being slightly above the corner, then fold one of the sides across the body and put it under the baby's other arm. The same thing goes for the other side, the swaddle should be snug but not too tight.

What Is the Best Material for Swaddles? +-

The topmost fabric intended for these swaddling are cotton and muslin, mainly due to their breathable properties and their ability to be gentle against babies' skins.

Are Swaddles Suitable for Every Sleeping Stage? +-

Yes, covering the baby with swaddles can foster better sleep at night but make sure that the baby's temperature is monitored consistently to avoid the risk of overheating IN cases overusing them overnight.

What is the Difference Between Muslin and Cotton Swaddles? +-

Muslin swaddles, which are generally thinner and thus more airy, are considered better for hot weather as they can be easily worn. The cotton long sleeved swaddles, much more resistible or better identified as a thicker material, reaching into a cooler environment, are suitable for this type of weather.